11 Minute Moon Salutation

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FLOW: 11.15min

INSTRUCTOR: Aimee Padilla

As a mother, it is my gift and responsibility to maintain a stable energy so that I can hold space that feels secure for my family. Some days I feel like I’m on top of everything, while some days, admittedly, I feel depleted. It happens and that is okay. But for those days, I turn my yoga practice to be centered around Chandra Namaskar, or Moon Salutation. Moon salutation is a simple and beautiful flow that is grounding. It honors the feminine energy within us- energy that is soothing, calm and creative. This flow feels amazing to the body and is said to balance the chakras and enhance fertility. Do this flow at sundown or at night to end your day, several times or on its own. Just roll out your mat and feel better in less than 15 minutes!

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